Saturday, November 7, 2009

the answers are there if you know where to look

there have been different things following me around these days. like a little trail of thoughts, like the train on a wedding dress, or the cape of some sort of king or prince, even. but these thoughts are not as beautiful and are more gray. winter is coming here, and babs and i took a last scenic drive through the prairie before it gets covered in that ol' white stuff, SNOW. it is happening again.

1 comment:

Jane Larson said...

dear chris! You are such a talented writer, observer, feeler, thinker, astrologer. THis is way rare, most people are bland and with their observations create more ugliness in the world. We have so much in common too, whoaa... your like my twin, no one ever comments on my blog as well.
I also love seeing what no one dares even notice! I am currently writing a paper on Colette, have you heard of her?
You are quite the creator chris, your words are like graceful kind swans that drape my minds eyes in warm centered buttons. this is a compliment Chris take it and cherish it!
xoxoxooxo- forever the keeper of your heart